Transcendental Philosophy and the Study of Religion 8
Transcendental Philosophy and the Study of Religion 8
Sku: 48800A0E060
Archival Number: CD/mp3 488
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
CD/mp3 488, part 2 of fourth lecture in the 1968 Boston College Institute and subsequent discussion. Sponsored by Benjamin F. Sargent. The chapter moves to the notion of value, that is, the question, Is it worth while? Is it good? not as formulated but as the dynamism of the subject moving to real self-transcendence. Lonergan digresses a bit to discuss the transcendental notions in general. They refer to objects immediately, and are the criteria as to whether one is reaching one's goals. Next, he discusses judgments of value. Their objectivity is a function of self-transcendence, and nothing else. They are contrasted with judgments of fact. They differ in content but not in structure from the latter. The apprehension of values in feelings is also discussed as well as the contexts in which such judgments are made and the vertical liberty that selects a horizon. The remainder of this disc contains the question session that was held in the afternoon of 9 July. Questions that were raised include: (1) Does transcendental method presuppose a high culture? (2) How are the three conversions related to one another? (3) What is the role of conversion in the two phases of theology? (4) Is moral theology a distinct functional specialty? (5) Is the apprehension of values in feelings subjectivist? (6) How is this material related to the previous chapter on horizons and categories? (7) What is the difference between the treatments of feelings in Insight and Method? (8) How can one adjudicate the objectivity of the scale of values? On the latter point, Lonergan is insistent that the scale of values is an objectification of self-transcendence.