Transcendental Philosophy and the Study of Religion 10
Transcendental Philosophy and the Study of Religion 10
Sku: 49000A0E060
Archival Number: CD/mp3 490
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
CD/mp3 490, part 2 of fifth lecture in the 1968 Boston College Institute and subsequent discussion. Sponsored by Macon Boczek. Linguistic meaning is the next topic. The presentation is very much like that in Method. There follow questions. The first pushes Lonergan on the distinction of knowledge and belief. Then he is asked to contrast art, symbol, and language as carriers of meaning. On symbol and feelings, Lonergan acknowledges his debt to Scheler and von Hildebrand, but also distinguishes himself from what he finds to be their intuitionism. When pushed a bit on symbol, he acknowsledges that he is discussion symbol in a sense distinct from language. In a further response he acknowledges or suggests something of an analogy between the scientist and the artist. And when asked about technical language in systematics he is quite emphatic that, indeed, systematics must employ such language, and that in the last analysis there will be one technically exact account, which of course is always in process of development. The invariants behind the technical account are found in conscious intentionality and nowhere else.