Historicism, notes on history
Sku: 49100D0E050
Archival Number: A491 V828
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1950
Open 49100D0E050.pdf
Transcription by Robert M. Doran, 12 February 2011
A. the discovery that man is a genus
that he/his sociocultural condition are what they have become
‘historically determined natures’
that human affairs are to be understood
B. the priority of poetry
C. the repudiation of Xtianity
[page 2]
[RD: the page is out of order and does not even seem to belong in this item, since the numbering does not connect with any other page in the item]
(6) The explicitation of perspectives may be incidental or systematic.
Incidental, in clarifying statements that are disputed
Systematic, in a science, in philosophy, in history, in hermeneutics
(7) The explicitation of perspectives implies a higher-level perspective
(8) Higher-level perspectives may be more or less adequate
[page 3]
Historia tamquam categoria exsistentialis
(1) si quis amnesia laborat,
nescit quis sit, ubinam ortus,
cuius civitatis cives, utrum uxorem
liberosque habeat, quomodo panem
cotidianum soleat
cognitio propriae biographiae est essentialis ad vitam ordinariam
(2) sed praeterea aliquid de biographiis aliorum cognoscendum est
(3) praeterea, aliquid de communi historia cognoscendum est
ubi nova situatio, creari debet haec communis mens
propaganda tempore belli
Historia docet quid faciendum
quid laudandum, reprehendendum
[page 4]
Schemes of Recurrence
If A occurs, A will recur
nexus mechanicus - systema planetarium
circulatio aquarum – probabilitates
sunt deserta
sunt loca ubi fit sicceitas
appetitus & occasiones – animalia
habitus cognoscendi – non addiscendum
volendi – non persuadendum
faciendi – non exercendum
[page 5]
History Time is of the substance
What is historical is what it is because of its history
because of what it has been
What is historical, has become
is just what it has become
could have become differently
and then would be different
Man makes himself what he is
by nature, he is a genus: rational animal
admitting as many differences as the non-rational animals
Man makes himself what he is
under socio-cultural conditions
his becoming is a “becoming social”
he learns not to speak a language he invents
but to speak the language of his group
he learns not to operate
but to operate with others, in a determinate material world
And the socio-cultural conditions also become
The dimensions of choice: what I make of myself
è object
what I make of my world, group
[page 6]
Negative The problem of every generation is to discover
what can be done about the mess
bequeathed it by the preceding generation
What can be done
A as has been done, i.e., perpetuate the mess: ideology
B as if nothing had been done, i.e., utopian leaps
Positive The problem of every generation is to live.
The problem of living in any given generation
has a range of solutions limited by
α the proximately potential development of the
existing constellation of circles of operations
β the proximately potential development of
existing Weltanschauungen, philosophies
γ the proximately potential development of
schemes of recurrence that satisfy the
equilibrium in a common run of events
[page 7]
A The multitudinous series of multitudinous events
B Later ones give a new significance
to earlier ones – reveal potentialities by facts
C The new significance is a new principle
of selection – it raises some earlier events
out of a ‘prime matter’
D There is a series of later events,
new significances, new solutions
E The chronicle is constructed out of
the series of selections: the rest are not
F Later events give a new significance,
a new selection, to elements in the chronicle
[page 8]
What is to be done?
i.e. how avoid the aimless repetition of
routines that once were significant and now are not
i.e. how avoid the further expenditures
of energy on projects that are
just bright ideas
i.e. how discover the Aufgabe of present
theology, phil, physics, Conc. Rom II [is he referring to Vatican II?, which was announced in January 1959]
The Aufgabe is the historian’s focus on his present
at least the sociology/psychology of his knowledge, if not intended
The Aufgabe is the focus on the past that the
historian would understand
Romanticism: the task of constructing a new world
neither Xtian nor Deist
[page 9]
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
But just what changes?
just what remains the same?
Ideology: preventing the changes
Utopia: changing the immutable