Translation of 49500D0L050, Dynamica systematis
Sku: 49500DTE050
Archival Number: A 495
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
Open 49500DTE050.pdf


A translation by R. Doran of 49500D0L050, Dynamica systematis. A transcription of the Latin of this item appears at 49500DTL050.

Note that Mark Morelli suggests that the word to be filled in on p. 3, 3 lines from the bottom, is "bambola," the Italian word for doll. There is a famous experiment, Mark writes, involving a little girl and her construction of a doll's perspective. He refers us to's_Stages
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


No transcription available.