The Alerted Mind / Theology and Man’s Future
Sku: 50700A0E060
Archival Number: CD/mp3 507
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
CD/mp3 507.The Alerted Mind/Theology and Man’s Future.A recording of a lecture delivered at Thomas More Institute, Montreal, in 1969. The lecture is basically the same lecture Lonergan had delivered at St. Louis’s Sesquicentennial Symposium, ‘Theology in the City of Man,’ October 15-17, 1968.Sponsored by Fr. Patrick Kelly. See A Second Collection 135-48.
The lecture is concerned largely with theology and other disciplines, especially human sciences, and the two main divisions concern (1) five ways in which other disciplines influence or can influence theology, and (2) the ways in which theology can and should influence other disciplines.The five ways in which other disciplines influence or can influence theology involve history, philosophy, religious studies, methodology, and communications.Theology can influence other disciplines, if one accepts Newman’s theorem regarding the whole of knowledge, provided theology helps human sciences distinguish themselves from natural sciences, religion is recognized as genuine if and only if it is based in God’s love, the dialogue with other religions is taken seriously, and a link is drawn between theology and anthropology similar to that proposed by Karl Rahner.
The recording ends with a significant amount of time being devoted to questions and answers.