Interview with E. O’Connor, C. Tansey, and C. Haworth
Sku: 50800A0E060
Archival Number: CD/mp3 508
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960


CD/mp3 508.  This is an interview with E. O’Connor, C. Tansey, and C. Haworth.  Sponsored by Mel and Thérèse Mason.  This is an interview at Thomas More Institute, Montreal, following the lecture in the course ‘The Alerted Mind’ that appears here as 50700A0E060.  A number of the topics raised in the lecture came up again in the interview: theology in the university, the role of dialectic, horizons, religious studies and theology, from Insight to Method, the meaning of Lonergan’s use of the term ‘ecstatic,’ the relation of communication and community, and hermeneutics and scholarship.  A principal value of the recording is that we are entitled to listen in on a conversation between Lonergan and some of his most devoted friends.


The interview appears in print in chapter 5 of Curiosity at the Center of One's Life, Thomas More Institute Papers / 84, pp. 371-84.

Audio restoration by Greg Lauzon

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


No transcription available.