Defense of Lonergan’s doctoral dissertation
Sku: 51000DTL040
Archival Number: A51
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1940
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Defense of BL's doctoral dissertation on Gratia operans.
26 typed pages. Note made by F. Crowe, July 5, 1985: "I today numbered (pencil) the loose pages of this folder 16 of Batch I-A: 1,2,etc., to 26: -- in the order in which I found them today (whether the order has been disturbed might be discoverable from internal evidence, but I cannot undertake that at the moment). Obviously all BL's work. On p. 3, BL speaks of the TS articles as "sub forma contracta et abbreviata". There seems to be no internal evidence that the order of pages has been disturbed, except, I think, that pp. 1 and 2 should be reversed. These give an outline of the fourth TS article, and clearly the outline begins with the material on the present page 2. The order of pages 3-14 is surely correct. This judgment is based on internal evidence. 15 and 16 are surely in proper order in relation to one another. 17 could be placed immediately before 19, 18 before 17. 20 and 21 could be located either before or after 18-17-19, and 22-24 may will belong right after 16. 25 and 26 are coincidental, and probably do belong at the end.
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