Sku: 514B0DTE060
Archival Number: A514b
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
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Reverse of 10 of 514. Background problems for reflection on method, notion of dogmagtic-theological context

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514B0DTE060 (reverse of p. 10 of 51400D0L060) -transcription




1 There exists a dogmatico-theological context [= remainder-concept]

    that is taught and learnt in theological schools

    that is presupposed among Catholics – analogia fidei Rom 12 5: D 2146


2 The medieval quaestio (Abaelard, Gilbert de la Porrée, Books of Sentences, Commentaries on Sentences, Summae) led to a theological conceptualization (Begrifflichkeit, sufficient and coherent, systematic) of this context.

          Thomist vs Scotists. Scientific understanding vs logical proof.


3 Melchior Cano gave theology its traditional form in recent centuries. Combines positive and speculative

          by assuming theology to be a fixed body of doctrine (without sufficient distinction between role of theologian and of bishop; both expound and defend the faith)

          to be proved by appealing to ten loci, Scripture, Tradition, Fathers, Theologians, Councils, Ratio theologica, etc.


4 Systematic theology received a fresh impulse

          from 19th century rejection of fideism and traditionalism on the one hand and of semi-rationalism on the other – Vatican Council (de fide et ratione) – Aeterni Patris “Back to Aquinas.”


          Positive theology, quietly gaining ground from days of Petavius to Altaner’s terrific sketch, Patrologie, (SScr, Mediaeval Studies)

          discussions of reform of ecclesiastical studies, 1900-1910, Bibliography, Xiberta, pp. 44-46

          took an assured place with “Deus scientiarum Dominus” and still more with “Divino afflante Spiritu”


          went through the crises of Modernism, La Nouvelle Théologie, present reaction against biblical studies