Problematik 515d
Sku: 515D0DTEG60
Archival Number: A515d
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English, German
Decade: 1960
Open 515D0DTEG60.pdf
Reverse of p. 6 of S515. Seems to continue problem of history and system. See 514B
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
515D0DTE060 (transcription by R. Doran; one p., fragment, reverse of p. 6 in 51500D0L060)
(f) The isolating and sterilizing tendency is illustrated by XlVth and XVth century decadence
by the need met by Melchior Cano’s De locis theologicis (p. 76)
[which assume theology to be static, cf. DB 2314; 1800
[which neglect distinction between bishop and theologian: both expound and defend the faith; Hebrew and Greek meaning of didaskein
[which assimilate new learning of renaissance by giving theologian ten loci from which he is to ‘prove’ his assertions selected from mediaeval determinations
by the addition of further theologies, Congar DTC 29, 423 ss.
theologia mystica, spiritualis, ascetica, affectiva
theologia moralis
theologia positiva
ut stylus litterarius: Gregorii Augustini Hieronymi
ut defensio continuitatis catholicae adv. Protestantes
biblical, patristic, mediaeval, conciliar, papal, Denzingertheologie
liturgical, pastoral, kerygmatic, catechetics, missiology
disciplinae auxiliares