1969 Institute on Method Lecture 3B Audio
Sku: 52000A0E060
Archival Number: TC69-MIT 3B
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
An audio recording of the second part of the third lecture at the Regis College 1969 Institute on Method in Theology, 9 July 1969. Sponsored by Quentin Quesnell and Jean Higgins Quesnell. The lecture presents sections 4-6 of an earlier version of the chapter of Method on the human good: (4) progress and decline, (5) the notion of value and judgments of value, and (6) belief. The recording also contains the first part of the Q&A session held in the evening. Most of the Q&A session can be found recorded at 537R0A0E060, with the conclusion at the beginning of 541R0A0E060. The transcript of the lecture and the full discussion period can be found at 52000DTE060.