1969 Institute on Method Lecture 4B Transcript
Sku: 52200DTE060
Archival Number: 69-4B
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
Open 52200DTE060.pdf

The second part of the fourth lecture at the Regis College 1969 Institute on Method in Theology, 10 July. The lecture presents the material on elements, functions, and realms of meaning, and part of the material on stages of meaning, from a version of the chapter of Method in Theology on Meaning (conceived here as chapter 4); the transcript also contains the Q&A from the evening. The recording of the lecture can be found at 52200A0E060. The recording of the Q&A can be found at 541R0A0E060, beginning about 11:30 minutes into the recording.

Transcript edited by Robert M. Doran

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


No transcription available.