Method 528
Sku: 52800D0E060
Archival Number: A528
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
Open 52800D0E060.pdf
1 handwritten schematic p. on method
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
Transcription by R. Doran of 52800D0E060, a single page headed “Method”
Method = knowing what one is doing – necessary for human act
specialist in large-scale, long-term scientific enterprise
what can be done now, as contribution to what, by what steps,
w what resources, means, techniques,
w what results, in se, in scientific community [how where to ? it]
essentially reflexive: not about objects immediately
electrons atoms cells plants animals
but about sc. operations
not only logical operations: positing and defining terms
positing and inferring propositions
formalization [axioms, rules of procedure]
limitations theorems ??
but also (1) questions & problems, lining up of prob (Problematik)
(2) heuristic structures [geometrization of nature]
(3) observation, classification, description, comparison
(4) working hypotheses, deduction, experiment, verification
(5) constructs, systems, succession of systems
(6) know-how
learnt as an art: c.s. procedure of understanding – heritage of sc. community
precept & example
reading, lectures, laboratory
history of science – learning sc
justified by its fruits
cannot be grounded w/in empirical sc., i.e., explained: what exactly happens: why that works: ? relations to cs, hum sc, phil
method grounded in data of consciousness – transcendental method
--> justifies itself & all other methods
build-in autonomy = build-in headlessness
impervious to extrinsicist philosophy
α extrinsicist philosophy treats ? objects
β sc. knows more about the objects, and does not cling to that knowledge, provisional
conquer hydra not by cutting off head – try heart
γ philosophy has to ? via method, to do so it must be methodical
= solve ‘critical’ problem