Sku: 53200D0E060
Archival Number: A532
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
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1 handwritten schematic p. of headings, numbered 2 - 9. The headings are: structure, operations as given, relations as given, ?caveats, self-knowledge vs. consciousness [what is meant by given], objectivity, use of analogy re guesswork on objectivity, subjectivity: elements of decision, authenticity, conversion
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
Transcription by R. Doran
2. Structure
3. operations as given
4. relations as given
5. caveats
6. self-knowledge vs consciousness [what is meant by given]
7. objectivity
8. use of analogy re operations – guesswork on objectivity
9. subjectivity: elements of decision, authenticity, conversion