Transcendental Method 533
Sku: 53300D0E060
Archival Number: A533
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
Open 53300D0E060.pdf
1 handwritten schematic p. headed 'Transcendental Method.' Contains reference at top to Otto Muck
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
Transcription by R. Doran
Transcendental Method ?, Outline of Content
Otto Muck, Die transzendentale Methode in der scholastischen Philosophie der Gegenwart, Innsbruck 1964
I. critical exigence: don’t say what you cannot know
goes beyond “logic” which is not concerned to determine whether definitions, assertions, negations, inferences express knowledge or not
negative --> positive
what can we know, what can we not know
where is the line drawn between can and cannot be known by us: not by God, angels, beasts
what is the totality that can be known by us?
a posteriori answer: know all that a man can know
a priori answer: study the operations by which we know
the relations of the operations to objects
hence includes limits of ?, outline of contents of what can be known by cogn operations
method because concerned w operations,
logic ? totality of objects we can talk about rationally (traditional logic) and methodically (new logic)
only a few of the operations – immediately related to verbal expression: definition/assertion, negation /therefore, because
method includes logical operations
? method adds observation, description, hypoth, experiment, verification
trans method concerned w all cognit operations
Scholastics – a property of terms, objects: predicamental species adds to determination of genera/ transcendental difference
comprehensive: general without being genera, universal without being abstract
determinative: function of ? part within comprehensive
Kant: conditions of possibility of knowing objects insofar as knowledge is a priori
transcendental aesthetic
transcendental logic only some operations ?/logical categorizing sc
transcendental ,method – operations given in experience: cognitional theory, epistemology
with their relations
to the totality of objects: heuristic structure
differs from empirical method – place of external experience
differs from introspective psychology – (1) data of cons qua relevant to cognition, (2) qua transcending possible revision