The Mediating Object. The Mediated Object
Sku: 53500D0E060
Archival Number: A535
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
Open 53500D0E060.pdf

1 page related to mediating and mediated objects in functional specialties. Also related to 534.

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran




Transcription by R. Doran


The Mediating Object Subject                     The mediated Object Subject


          Given                                                          Descensus ex Deo          The last

          Meaning                                            God   Trinity                  things

          Truth                                                 Incarnation Redemption            The                                                                                                                     mission of

          Encounter                                         Church ? of God            the church

                                                                   World                                      World



Mutual        The Self-mediation

Self-Mediation  of the Subject


          monuments          Research               Communication    Action

          documents            Interpretation       Explanation                   (transition to sit’n)

                                                                                                          c.s. unding

about          doctrines     History                 Doctrinal context Doctrinal extension                                                                                      human sc/ historical       ??

events                   ideas           Conversion           Foundations

                                                                             will to know – dogmatic                  

                                                                             will to do – moral                                                                                    interiority – ascetic-mystical,



apologetic   positive                                            

                   theology                                            authentic Existenz in History

                   theol in orat obliqua               

                   prior theology