Theologian as a Man
Sku: 53600D0E060
Archival Number: A536
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
Open 53600D0E060.pdf

1 page headed 'Theologian as a Man,' treats Horizon and Authenticity. Related to previous two (534, 535).

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran




Transcription by R. Doran


Theologian as a Man


Horizon – name, notion, relative, absolute

                   constitution of man – new anthropology    meaning/history

                   relevant to (1) self-knowledge (2) heuristic structure for object



Authenticity – we are dependent on history, socio-cultural milieu

                      increasing responsibility for one’s horizon

                      absolute horizon supposes a normative horizon


          1 unauthentic       polymorphism

                                      obnubilation – individual, disciples, school, tradition


                                      private, group, general bias


          2 normative                   empirical consciousness – be perceptive

                                      intellectual consc – get the point

                                      rational consc – judgment

                                      respons – choice


          3 Existenz: Seinkönnen – authenticity precarious – authenticity as known

                                                          scientific method = dodge


Transcendental Method [fully deliberate quest of authenticity – at key point: knowing]


          direct operations – objects common sense / science nat / human

                                    – component in nonbehaviorist human sc.


                                exp   │     of direct operations – cognitional theory

          introspective   und           │→ of their objectivity – epistemology

                                judg           │     of their objects – metaphysics of prop. being


          basic terms & relations are immediately given operations & structures

                   i.e., preconceptual – self-appropriation

          hence open

          basically invariant


          empirically controlled

          transcendental: world of possible experience / on analogy of ?

          normative: p. and cp.


          grounds all methods and itself: act of self-conscious respons. free subject