The New Theology 539
Sku: 53900D0E060
Archival Number: A539
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
Open 53900D0E060.pdf
5 handwritten schematic pp. Headed 'The New Theology.'
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2006-2011 by Robert M. Doran
Transcription by R. Doran of 53900D0E060
The New Theology
1 Not la nouvelle théologie: not of opinions considered in Humani generis. But theology as it has been developing in xxth century. DTC, LTK, Fries, Biblical, liturgical. New with respect to ‘dogmatic’ or ‘dogmatic-scholastic’ theology that had its origins about 1680 and has been in permanent crisis since about 1900.
1900 ? of biblical criticism, history of dogma, comparative religion
1939-46 For last forty years
2 α ‘Dogmatic’ theology – what Catholics accept as of faith, as necessarily connected with faith.
β Does not include any technically developed ‘intelligentia fidei.’
Aug Ar controversy
De auxiliis disputed qq a permanent feature of theological horizon
critical problem existed long before Kant
γ tends to acceptance and repetition of formulae and popular understanding
3 Period 1680-1900 apostasy of European cultural & working classes
α Dogmatic theology held the fort
β It did not get to the heart of ? Method: α′ It was not equipped
β′ ? involved in mechanist determinism
γ It remained ‘classicist’: Bossuet, Perrone, Franzelin, Garrigou, Boyer
it did not step in & dominate the new anthropology
it was not equipped
the new anthropology was idealist, indifferentist, Lebensphil
it accepted eventually the findings – critical method wt exaggerations
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4 The last 65 years
(1) 1890-1910 program of reform of seminary studies – 1930 Deus Sc Dominus
(2) Increase of ‘positive’ output: Biblica – Bulletin de theol anc & med – Altaner
(1) not any explicit notion of science, old or new, modernists were theorists – positive theol no
(2) de facto carry into theology (? in seminars, dissertations) techniques, procedures, assumptions proper to empirical method, proper to new anthropology (Hebr concepts vs Gk), basically naive re interpretation/history: to work on basis of epistemology of interpretation/history and to be extrincisist[?]
similarly to consider any large implications of their procedure
in CBQ – Cahill, theologian
(3) ‘Dogmatic’ assigned new function
quomodo ab Ecclesia definita doctrina contineatur in fontibus
α always ‘proved’ from Scr, CC, PP, TT, ??
but proof vitiated by anachronistic interpretation of texts
controversy w Prot. archaism
β process of development recognized since Vat I
‘implicit’ to ‘explicit’ – some sort of ‘logical’ process .. . not illogical
what is ‘implicit’ in interpreter’s mind reading Paul
what was ‘implicit’ in Paul’s mind writing
→ tend to be identical from classicist static vp
tend to differ toto caelo as fact of development taken seriously
γ history of dogma, theology reveal process │before Aq – after Aq
│before Ioan a S Th – after
when documents studied from vp of what they explicitly stated
when priority of explicit acknowledged
when priority of correct interpretation over dogmatic/apologetic purposes acknowledged
easily done on TT PP – conclude earlier state ≡ context of NT
theory of development has to be understood before data for development are apprehended
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(4) Elimination of ‘dogmatic’ theology
A in place of terms fixed by definition: don’t dispute about words
doctrines found identical at all times: via anachronosm
developing terms, doctrines
α incomplete series of specialist studies: research/interpretation/history
β with non-dogmatic purpose: not to ascertain certain even if minimum
but to move toward complete explanation
of all phenomena
γ with no methodical principles to guide, criticize investigators
to put together results in critical fashion
uncritical (except sources)
no critique of interpreter/?
have all before in fundamentals
Between ‘dogmatic’ & SSc
& Fathers in an enormous barrier arises
& TT ? Aq varying
& Councils degrees
The dogmatic theologian is not a specialist in all fields
if he were, he could not keep abreast
if he could keep abreast, he would have to introduce new method
concentrating on certain results
gain approval of it
convince his students of existence of approval
if he did introduce it etc., he would still need large theoretic
equipment to handle element γ above
B Simultaneously ‘dogmatic’ theologian learning the new anthropology
grasping its relevance to theologians’ task
finding it employed by positive theol in
interpretation of SSc PP MM
the old insights concepts questions answers are more & more
regarded as obsolete
the new insights concepts questions answers are everywhere the topic
C Foundational qq – is OT NT mythic expression of rlg experience slighted
not thoroughly treated
did mythic expression lead to dogmatic affirmation
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(4) Biblical Theology LTK etc. a page of references in German
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(4) The New Theology as Biblical Theology
α study of any human document involves
research: what did xi say
interpretation: what did xi mean
history: how does meaning of xi compare with meaning of xi-1, xi-2 xi-2 xi-3 ,,, xi+1 xi+2 xi+3
β what is meant & implied by interpretation & history varies with philosophic horizon – in general one may presume, until contrary evidence is forthcoming, that the phil hor is naive
interpretation is entering into another’s mind, thinking his thoughts, in his categories, cf. art intepretation, ‘Romantic’ hermeneutics
history is determining wie es eigentlich gewesen ... the movie & sound track of the past
γ biblical documents can be studied as any similar religious documents
Die Religionsgeschichtlicher Schule RGG1 2 3
or they can be taken as manifestions of a divine intervention in human affairs
a specific religious Judaeo-Xtian horizon
hence research, interpretation, re Is, Mk, Paul, John
yields the general theology of Is Mk Paul John
the concrete historical process that underlies Mk Paul John and believers and me is Heilsgeschichte
δ on naive assumptions no problem of transition from biblical categories to a contemporary account of biblical categories
? interpretation eliminates mind of interpreter, no eisegesis
? the mind of interpreted, comes to think his thoughts etc.
biblical theology can leap over millennia
theology is the interpretation of faith, biblical theology the interpretation of original faith
There are also a lot of developments – up to dogmatic theologies
a lot of problems – parousia ? etc – give us time ??