Sc. hum.: data propria, etc.
Sku: 55000D0L060
Archival Number: A550
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1960
Open 55000D0L060.pdf

7 handwritten schematic pp. on proper objects of human sciences, human sciences and truth, and theology, and philosophy. Dated March 12, from spring 1963 course De Methodo Theologiae.

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


55000D0L060 March 12 1963


Human science: proper data – what is given with meaning (reference to Merchant of Venice)

          the level of investigation, what is investigated, how it is investigated: descriptive (quis, quid, quibus auxiliis, cur, quomodo, quando); explanatory (comparative so that the question arises from the data, connective, genetic)

          Descriptive: what is best known by contemporaries, who are immediately involved with the things themselves. (a) Memories of the apostles: are the gospels ours? Almost everything in the New Testament is cited in the second century but the gospels are not cited [three uncertain words]; (b) symbols of the apostles: Council of Florence; the Greeks say they ignore such a symbol.

          Explanatory: what is rarely known by contemporaries: the economic crisis in imperial Rome; the Sabellian, Arian, Nestorian, Monophysite controversies; the Augustinian-Aristotalian controversy. [Marginal: self-consciousness, self-knowledge].


Ultima vice  (1) complexionis maioris

                    (2) complexionis homogeneitas: seu theologi S Thomae  cum philosophic scholastica posteriori

                                                                   (3) the movement itself is apprehended more clearly and more certainly

one grace in one person: 2 d. 26, q. 1, a. 6; De ver q. 27, a. 5

whether without grace mortal sin can be avoided: 2, d. 28, q. 1, a. 2x; De ver q. 24 a. 12x

whether we need grace to prepare ourselves for grace: 2, d. 28, q. 1, a. 4; De ver q. 24, a. 15; [C. Gent. III, 149x]

whether there is a certitude to predestination: 1, d. 40, q. 3; De ver q. 6, a. 3; C. Gent III, 94

operative and cooperative grace: 2, d. 26, q. 1, a. 5; De ver q. 27, a. 5 ad 1m; 1-2, q. 111, a. 2

the concept of Pelagianism from [2, d. 28, q. 1 a 2x] Quodl, a. 7.

(4) Lexicon: not what ‘everyone says’: uninterrupted tradition

      Fundamental – from use: sayings are cited among the authors ?? Oxford Dictionary

      E.g., Scotus: in 15 ways; Thomas: in two ways, in three ways.


Human science and truth:

      (a) truth in the data themselves

      (b) truth at the descriptive level

      (c) truth at the explanatory level


(a) truth in the data themselves: (1) the data are given, not suppressed or omitted; they are to be explained either as fact or as fiction; consciously or unconsciously; (2) the historian does not believe the data; Collingwood, Idea of History; Greek fables: all the witnesses are lying, all the clues are fabricated; (3) on the other hand, the historian does not exercise Cartesian doubt.

(b) truth at the descriptive level: (4) slowly there is constructed an arrangement that is firm enough that nobody thinks of destroying it or of replacing it with something new; did there exist Mycean civilization? Fr. Wolf – collection cantuum inde a Schliemann Phygas – Evans  Minos; Linear B = scriptio syllabica graeca Knosos, Pylos, etc. (5) It is more difficult to attain consensus when there are stronger motives for doubting. There is little doubt about Virgil, Horace, Cicero, 325 Constantine, persecutions, etc.; about the gospels, although the apocryphal and canonical are distinguished, how do you know that nothing fabricated is in the canonical writings? Substantially the version may be authentic but there remains the freedom to doubt concering some particular element. Well selected doubts make the whole ?

(c) truth at the explanatory level: in general. the concern is not with the truth of what the author meant but with whether the author meant it. The rules of hermeneutics apply equally well to Plato, Aristotle, Romans 6, and Aristotle; specifically, slowly there are accumulated reliable information about the chronology of writings, the meaning of the vocabulary, the general connections, and what is known in particular questions. The more frequently and longer the work is cited, the better it is. Ciceron et ses amis: [Etude sur la societé romaine du temps de Cesar] |Gaston Boissier


A1, B1, Eijk, Fij


Fi Minor criticism is carried on in the field Eijk

      (a) this was omitted, or this was less clearly and exactly explained;

      (b) tranquil advance of methods, so that ignorance is disdained by all or is mercifully overlooked. What once happened does not happen today except occasionally out of ignorance. Experience is the best teacher, without theoretical, philosophical, methodological disputation; apart from the division of schools. Manuals: Langlois-Seignobos, Bernheim, Bauer (2nd ed., 1928). The art is learned in seminars under the best teachers.


      Theological problem: (1) Deus scientiarum Dominus from without; (2) theology did not involve itself in historical schools for three or four hundred years.

Fj Major criticism: is grounded in minor criticism, is hardly at all engaged in by historians, and poses philosophical problems.

(1) the old Tübingen school – Hegelian dialectic in history

(2) the Historical School: Niebuhr, Ranke, Droysen: legal and political history; von Savigny, law; Grimm, popular literature. “No philosophical presuppositions.”

(3) In fact there wsere philosophical presuppositions: from illuminism, Romanticism, Hegelianism.

      The positivist tendency: these and other presuppositions are eliminated; Marrou; logically leacs to edit? And to other historical arguments.

      The relativistic or perspectivist or [praecissiva] tendency:

            Relativist: Dilthey, Troeltsch, Rothacker; what is sought is not truth but correctness;

            Praecissiva: different conclusions for different presuppositions; history insofar as it does not disrupt [dirimit?]

            Perspectivist: data are materia prima, from various points of view, standpoints, things are variously illumined, everything can be ‘objective.’

      The existentialist or transcendental tendency: that which can be scientifically determined, Wissenschaft; that which can be mythically or existentially interpreted; the existentiell kerygma is what is to be responded to.


Problem: at least under a theological aspect: (a) concerning ultimate terms: it is avoided in Descamps, with his knowledge of the contingent and only in the commonsense mode; it is assumed in Bultmann and differently in Thomism; ultimate terms can be considered in accord with Ai, Bi, Eijk, Fij. The problem of contexts and transposition. (b) concerning philosophical differences: perennial philosophy is not one but many and opposed.