Theologia 559
Sku: 55900D0L060
Archival Number: A559
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1960
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2 handwritten pp. Theology, mediation of object, mediation of subject. Dated April 23, from spring 1963 course De Methodo Theologiae.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
55900D0L060 April 23 (classes resume)
Theology is knowledge about God mediated by Christ and the Church. When knowledge is mediated by data qua data, we have natural science; by data as invested with meaning, we have human science; by data as invested with true meaning, we have theology.
Mediation of the object:
Ai immediate human, religious, Christian living – die Wendung zur Idee
Bi authors, tendencies, schools
Iijk historical works
Fij critical works
Mediation of the subject:
Descriptive: who, what, how, why, etc.
Explanatory: comparative: whether same or different
organic, synthetic [RD: replaces ‘complexiva’]: what is coherent
genetic: stages in organic growth and in developing synthesis
dialectic: radical oppositions
mutual influence
Judicative: where dialectical method is used, the investigator is willy nilly committed; otherwise Bultmann’s notion of science.
The next page is headed ‘Horizon’ with an arrow to ‘critica, iudicativa’ and with the following in parentheses: pole and field are correlative; pole is either originary or existential; authentic or inauthentic; inauthenticity is radical or derived; derived inauthenticity is either rationalization or obnubilation.
A Relative horizon: is different depending on psychological, social, cultural development [RD: again, this earlier was 'complexiva');
Absolute horizon: is different depending on intellectual, moral, religious conversion.
B Horizon as in the object: categories which are to be determined from the data; horizon as in the subject: foundations, norms, methodical precepts.