Varia on Scripture
Sku: 57000DTFL40
Archival Number: A57
Author: Unknown
Language(s): French, Latin
Decade: 1940
Open 57000DTFL40.pdf

Several items, some incomplete. 1 page: quid sint libri sacri. 1 leaf (2 pp.) re: OT and NT, meaning of testament, with notations by BL. 1 page re: deuterocanoniques de l'A.T., with notations on reverse. 3 pages from "Tr. de Canone," auctore Johanne Ruwet, S.J., notations at top of first page by BL. 2 pages, Conspectus de NN, continues same discussion. 1 page has list of SS passages, with title Scripta Legalia--whole page in L's hand. 11 pages, De canone V.T. (first apud Iudaeos, then apud Christianos). These have no notations by BL

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