History 573
Sku: 57300D0E060
Archival Number: A573
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1960
Open 57300D0E060.pdf

17 handwritten pp. Dated May 28. Headings: Narrative and history, Mediatio, Mediation of the New Man in Christ Jesus, What Is a Dogma?, Distinction of Positive and Dogmatic Theology, Overlapping A, Need Not Fight, Dogmatic Theology, Overlapping B, Illustrations, Systematic Theology, Methodical Functions. From spring 1963 course De Methodo Theologiae.

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


57300D0L060      May 28


  Part 1 of transcription (not all of the transcription could fit, but since the document is in English it can be read from the .pdf file.)

History: Gnoseology
à criterion of history

              Metaphysics à reality of history


as reality: it is what man does, makes;

                        what man undoes, replaces

homo ||se[cun]dum evolutionem: Destiny

          |se[cun]dum conversion: Decision


||Highest level of reflection on human action

 |concrete context of existential decision


Past: ||sets the stage: situationem

         |provides the needs, exigences, opportunities

         |provides collaboration & opponents


Decision, [labor] -----------, meets the occasion


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Nature & History

not Hegelian – Hegel [contrasts] ||derivation of Nature

                                                     |account of Nature /

                                    Spirit transcendental (missed) & transcendent (misconceived)


Nature in scales of Spirit

1)      Polus originarius

2)      but must add polus exsistentialis

           not per se which just limits polus exsistentialis

3)      Intellect & will                        Intellectuallism vs Voluntarism

a)      highest level of consciousness is not speculative

                                                     not practical (classical dire[m]ptio[n])

                                                     but rational self-consciousness

                                                       disposing of self

                                                            both spec[ulative]

                                                            and prac[tical]

b)      in highest level intellect can & should lead

reflective understanding à judg[ment] of Value ® Will


Hist[orical] consciousness

||Speculative (systematic) on action: tool of practical man

                                          on man: illumination of existential decision

Catholic: faith that operates through charity


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        relation || of the parts with one another

                          |between the parts and the whole


  -mechanical: deest pars ||inutile |periculosa

  - organic: mediates itself ||develops & maintains parts by which it functions;

                  |is a mediation of the species

  - human: ||psychological ||immediate operations;

                                          |mediated operations;

                                          |operations on the mediators: (language, math[ematics], logic);                                                               technically organized universe

                                                                        (nat[ural] |hum[ane] |theo[logical] sciences)—                                                                                         |subiect (critical methodical exsistential destiny)

|social: whole constituted by ||common apprehension

                                               |common consent

|cultural: the character of apprehension

               |the [interaction] of the assent

- Catholic: Non est Iudaeus neque Graecus / a new principle transformation:

                                  ||Jew & Greek subsidiary particularly

                                   |catholic, universal perpetual


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Mediation of the New Man in Christ Jesus   Neither Jew nor Greek Gal 3,28


Undiff[erentiated] consciousness:

  -Non technical mode of understanding in commonsense development

        immediate communication

            example, preaching, summaries (creeds, catechism), liturgy, church discipline}

        mediated communication: letters, documents, books

            V[etus] T[estamentum], N[ovum] T[estamentum], written official decisions, X[ris]tian litterature (sources, present kerygm[a])


Classical consciousness:

-Technical: mode of understanding that defines terms & deduces conclusions

                    mode of communication proper to a universal, perpetual curch: neither Jew nor Greek

           dogmatic moment: transposition from the non‑technical to the technical

             same truth, same sense but different categories & context –DB 1792, 1800, 2714

                transition from biblical to catholic categories & context

           systematic moment: rounds out the field of technical statement Intelligentia myst[eriorurm]: Analogia [cum iis quae naturaliter cognoscimus], Nexus [mysteriorum inter se]


Historical consciousness:

-Methodical: reflects on process ||positive, |dogmatic, |systematic, |kerygmatic

                      distinguishes parts, assigns limits, determines functions of each

                      relates each to the others, works out foundations, excludes radical errors

                      prevents confusions, mutilations, distortions

Subiect, interiority, polus orig[inarius]

                                           exsist[entialis], as foundation of all that can be ||said |known.


N[on]–t[echnical]: Aut Judaeus aut Graecus;

Tech[nical] Cath[olic]: Neque Judaeus neque Graec[us];

Meth[odical]: et Judaeus et Graecus et Cath[olicus]


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1)      Technical expression —homoousios, duo physeis duo thelêmata physika

         ||a creed,

         |a solemn declaration,

         |an anathema

Non-technical understanding: ousia, physis are not given a scientific explanation


2)      idem verum 1792 eodem sensu 1800 2314

aliae categoriae et contextus —“implicit”


3)      What takes place – transition from biblical to Catholic categories context

      biblical: mentality of a given author, given milieu, treating issues for particular p[urposses]

      catholic: universal & perpetual church stating its doctrine for everyone, everywhere

They can know what is meant without a doctorate in Scripture

4)      Not romantic hermeneutics – thinking oneself into the mind of Paul, John.

Winckelmann, Schleiermacher, Dilthey.

Not a deduction per se ‑ some dogmas are, Ephesus (?) ‑ but a transposition

5)      How is it implicit – possibility:

                       transc[endental] always implicit;

                       less determinate implicit

Transcendental categories are implicit in every mind —esse, non esse, nature, [part]. Dogmatic schemata less determinate than biblical —infinite, finite;absolute, relative.

6)   Process: Is Christ the Son of God? Is it true that Christ is a) man; b) not merely a man; c) not a creature; d) not the Father; e) from the Father; f) given divine predicates; g) Son in a singular meaning? Did Paul, John, think of that? ||theologically infused (?) knowledge |what can be proved is 1 to 7.


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Distinction of Positive & Dogmatic Theology


1)      Olier, Congar DTC 29 ||scholastic vs positive

                                     |dogmatic vs moral º parts of Scholastic —as arising from subsequent development, literary‑histor[ical] studies

2)      Development º process of differentiation & integration.

     Differentiation occurs, is clarified, is understood & formulated

     integration: distinct & complementary functions.

3)      Total Method: ||description

                        |explanation —comp[arative]




                         Horizon ||se[cun]dum evol[ution]:

                                         se[cun]dum con[version].

Includes ||genesis of all dogmas & all systems

|refutation of all heresies & all errors.

4)      Involves two types of operation

                 intelligence ||developing in c[ommon]-s[ense]

                                     |developing in sc[ience’s]

C[ommon] S[ense]: Transcendental implicit.

Understands things as related to us; implies relations to one anoth[er].

Understands things as related to Isaias, M[ar]k, Paul, John, Athan[asius], &c.

Does not attempt moving over to things as related to one another;

                                                      patterns independent of standpoint of Jew & Greek

Syst[em]: a) transcendental becomes explicit;

                b) dichotomy: genera entis, divisio entis, &c;

                c) understanding of relations to one another.


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Dogmatic & Positive

1)      Differ in mode of Expression.

D[ogmatic]: oratio recta: God the Son became Man;

P[ositive]: oratio obliqua: John said Verbum caro…; meant ---- ---- ----

2)      Differ in object.

D[ogmatic]: God & all things in relation to God;

P[ositive]: What X said, meant, re God &c.

3)      Differ in formal object: D[ogmatic]: its own problematik questions, terms, answers, systematization;

P[ositive] a) an author’s concerns, language, horizon, synthesis Di[rect], Obl[ique];

b) especially with regard to God.

4)      Differ in mode of understanding:

D[ogmatic] moves to technical & expounds theor[y];

P[ositive] stays with particular works, authors, cultures, even technical writing studied by non‑technical type of understanding: —understanding Aquinas is not a theory about Aquinas