Totum: humanum
Sku: 57400D0L060
Archival Number: A574
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1960
Open 57400D0L060.pdf

5 handwritten pp. Follows on 573. Ens historicum. Dated May 28. From spring 1963 course De Methodo Theologiae.

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


4)                                                                                 May 28

Totum: human

1- a) initial plasticity;

immediate operations: undiff[erentiatio]; diff[erentiationes], comb[ination], group; grouping groups


9-21 months; mastery of immediate field

sensible present accessible

with [person?] affectivity


subject of mastery

elementary or personal relati[ons]

4- b) mediated operations

spatio-temporal imagination



5- mediated as enlarged field non‑technically organized

communication w[ith] personal learning, imitating, &c


subject in enlarged field, in fuller personal relat[ions]

7- c) operations on the mediators:

study of language, reading, counting, of math[ematic]s, of logic

8- mediated communication books ® (enlarged field)®technical organization of enlarged field ||natural sciences, human sciences, theology

9- A: exercite, implicite

subject: critical meth[odical], existential dist[inction], historical di[fferentiation]

B) technically mediated

Human science: the field in which man constitutes human realities by creative thought & free choice. There is a natural (transcendental) a priori, natural (material) limitation

Theology: the field in which man communes w[ith] God; relates himself, his creations, & his works to the ultimate

{221} Church

1) is catholic:                                                   non est Judaeus neque Graecus Gal 3,28

mediates catholicism

non‑technically: communication does not raise phi[osophical] issues directl[y]; no homoousios

immediate communication: example, preaching, catechism, symbols, liturgy, church discipline ®||heretics, schismaticis| abundant

mediate communication: V[etus] T[estamentum], N[ovum] T[estamentum] —commentaries, preaching—, X[ris]tian literature,

2) is catholic

mediates catholicism non–technically by ||immediate |mediated} communication;

mediates it technically: homoousios, duo physeis, etc. Dogma, Mystery;

idem verum, eodem sensu, implicite;

i. e. transcendental categories selected by truths contained in S[acred] Scr[ipture]. Solution of a problem: How is Jesus in his reality to be conceived by any catholic at any time? —not: how did Mark, Paul, John use the name Filius Dei?

a)      a mediation of a whole is part of the whole —arm, hand, part of a whole

b)      dogmas integrated into preaching, catechism, symbols, liturgy, church discipline

c)      dogmas integrated into technical thought ® Byzantine scholasticism: physis ||enypóstatos, |anypóstatos

3) is catholic

Mediates catholicism non‑technically by ||immediate |mediated} communication; mediates catholicism technically by dogmas.

Dogmas integrated into ||non‑technical mediation

                                       |field of technical thought} —

Scholasticism: Theology = dogmas as part of a scientific discipline distinct from philosophy, other sciences (Aquinas)

In se:

1)        the scientific discipline: anal[ysis] ||syn[thesis]; resol[utio] |comp[ositio]; [invest[igation] |doct[rine]; |cert[ainty] prob[ability]; |temp[porum] decursu |simult[aneitate] logica

2)        decadent scholasticism: system as misunderstood; demol[ition] of system ‑ logical coherence

3)        the old rhetoric: theses, notae, prob[atio] ex locis, solvuntur obiectiones, ex doctrina ecclesiae, ex opinionibus scholae

4)        the new rhetoric ((vestis historica)): enumerantur non adversarii sed sententiae; doctrinae non probantur sed narrantur; adversariorum non refutantur errores sed excluduntur exaggerationes; bibliographiae, notae in imis paginis


1)      the clerical mediation of catholicism [Seminaries]

2)      the basis of the apologetic mediation of catholicism [Controversies]

3)      the effective criterion in preaching, catechetics, diffusion of X[ris]tian culture;

4)      the effective criterion [with more & more extrinsic aids] in determining q[uestions] of Catholic teaching in current issues

{223} Ens historicum

Subiect: ||pol[e] orig[inary] º nature |existential º ens historicum

Pole orig[inary]:

a) transcendental:




all inquiry

& all that is

inquired about

all reflection


reflected on

all deliberation


deliberated about

b) comprehensive: 1) non abstract but concrete; 2) not static but dynamic; 3) not arg[ument] per se but also per accidens

c) structured : [1) natural object; 2) ens historicum; 3) analogous extrapolation]

1) natural object isomorphism:







2) ens historicum: Subject diff[erentiated] ||se[cun]dum evol[ution] psy[chological], soc[ial], [cult[ural]; |se[cun]dum conv[ersion] int[ellectual], mor[al], relig[ious].

Comparative, organic, genetic [&] dialectical [methods are used]

3) analogous extrapolation: [man: ||potency, |form, |act}]; –angels: ||form |act}; –God: pure act ® emanation intellig[bile]

A priori sese evolvens

d) heuristic:

transcendental comprehensive structure

essential ® hypothetical

from above down: diff[erential] equat[ions]

Judgment (not wanting a demonstration)

from below up: empirical laws


e) Critical: ||authentic |inauthentic: a) rationalization; b) obnubilation

 Existential pole

a) Freedom: rational self–consciousness |but will following intellect in humbly full conse[nt] not will as further faculty

reflective understanding ® judgment of value ® choice

||Dream, |empirical |intellectual |rational} Consciousness… ||involve abstraction, specialization; |are ||provisional, |progressional, |incomplete} per se, by themselves; |suppose & propose: rational self-consciousness

b) limited freedom: esse-posse – moral impotence – gratia operans

c) conversion   as autonomous

                        as radical act

                        as ever to be renewed

                        as working itself out into every aspect of life

d) Exsistenz     vs inauthenticiy ||int[ellectual] |mor[al] |rel[igious]

personal relations ||to God ||to neighbour


e) history    -as education ||what man has been |what man can do, cannot do |how it is to be done

       -as destiny

       - as responsibility |the historian ||carries on a tradition ((conservation = creation)) |destroys a tradition

((sors, fatum, Parca, destino, destin, Schicksal [fortune], Geschick [dexterity, star]))
