MiT, Chapter 7, `The Tasks of Theology’
Sku: 57900DTEL60
Archival Number: A579
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English, Latin
Decade: 1960
Open 57900DTEL60.pdf

Pp. 1-62 of a planned chapter 7 of Method in Theology entitled 'The Tasks of Theology.' Sections: (1) Research, (2) Interpretation, (2.1) Basic Exegetical Operations, (2.2) Understanding the Object, (2.3) Understanding the Words, (2.4) Understanding the author, (2.5) Understanding Oneself, (2.6) Judging the Correctness of One's Interpretation, (2.7) A Clarification, (2.8) Stating the Meaning of the Text, (3) History, (3.1) Nature and History, (3.2) Historical Experience and Historical Knowledge, (3.3) Critical History. Again, a photocopy

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