BC70-3B Lecture 3, part 2, BC 1970 Institute on Method
BC70-3B Lecture 3, part 2, BC 1970 Institute on Method
Sku: 59600A0E070
Archival Number: TC 593 A&B CD/mp3 596
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1970
An audio recording of the second half of the third lecture at the 1970 Boston College Institute on Method in Theology, 16 June 1970. The lecture covers the remainder of the third chapter, Meaning (elements, functions, realms, and stages). Sponsored by André and Suzanne Sousan. The recording includes the Q&A session after the lecture. A transcription of the lecture and the discussion can be found at 596BCDTE070.