Lecture 5, part 1, BC 70
Sku: 599BCDTE070
Archival Number: BC70-5A
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1970
Open 599BCDTE070.pdf


A transcription of the audio recording of the first half of the fifth lecture at the 1970 Boston College Institute on Method in Theology, 18 June 1970. The lecture covers most of a draft of the fifth chapter, Functional Specialties. There is a bit of sound distortion through part of the recording, and a clip that was skipped, possibly as the person recording was changing tapes. The recording can be found at 59900A0E070.

Transcription edited by Robert M. Doran

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran



No transcription available.