Quaestiones metaphysicae. Quaestio prima: de cognitione et cognito
Sku: 5A000DTL040
Archival Number: A5a
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1940
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This is an early attempt to express an emerging cognitional theory. 9 articles are listed on title: cognitive potencies, validity of potencies, objects of potencies, identity and diversity, the knowable, Berkeley’s idealism, Hegel's idealism, Platonic idealism, moderate realism.. After title page: 14 typed pages, numbered 1-14, on the 9 articles. 1 page (Eng.) at end: Structure of the Pure Object, here made a distinct item. No date or author, but clearly BL’s and seems same typewriter as used in A03 and A04, and probably to be placed in the early 1940s.

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


 A transcription is available at 5A00ADTL040.


A translation is available at 5A00BDTL040.