De Gratia Bleau
Sku: 66000DTL040
Archival Number: A66
Author: Bleau, Paulin
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1940
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Two pp., back to back, numbered 1,2. P. 2 gives tractatus de gratia, breve schema. The treatise follows. P. 1, Montreal, 1933-34.

1. De ente supernaturali, with many notes by B.L. 28 pp. +  

   several handwritten.

2. 4 pages on parts 2-4 of treatise. Part 5, De gratia sanctificante, follows (ends p. 180, in middle of thesis 28. Many notations by L. in early part of this section de g. s. A final loose page, de gratia actuali, two sides. Treatise bears resemblances to A35, De Ente Supernaturali by P. Bleau, 1943. There are many notes in BL's hand. This is an important item, since it probably represents a step in BL's working out of his own De Ente Supernaturali.

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