Outlne of an Analytic Concept of History
Sku: 71312DTE030
Archival Number: A713-12
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1930
Open 71312DTE030.pdf
22 pp. entitled "Outline of an Analytic Concept of History," found file 713, which contains many early documents of BL's on philosophy of history.
Pat Brown suggests an interesting possible source for the French quotation on p. 7 , par. 4:
"There was a review by Joseph Ferchat of a book by Antonin Eymieu, Le Gouvernement de soi-même, vol. 3, L'Art de vouloir in the French Jesuit periodical Études, vol. 222 (January 1935) ... The review describes the "epilogue" of L'Art de vouloir as containing a dozen pages devoted to the development of the idea that le métier de l'homme est de se dépasser. And, indeed, that is both the title of Eymieu's epilogue and its basic theme ...
"Since Lonergan was in Amiens when he wrote 'Analytic Concept' and its variations, it seems fairly plausible that he got the phrase either from the review by Joseph Ferchat or from the book by Antonin Eymieu."
Database and description (c) Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
Database and description (c) Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.