Chapter 9: Fragments of what became chapter 9 740
Sku: 74000DTE060
Archival Number: A740
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
Open 74000DTE060.pdf
20 pp. The first has MiT VII at top, but VII changed to IX by hand, with `Chapter Nine' written in pencil. `Historians and Cognitional Theory' was at one time section 3.4 of a chapter, but that now is changed to the title (thus first page). The pages are numbered 63 (5), 64 (2), 65 (2), 70 (3), 72 (3), 75 (1), 77 (2), 78 (1), 82 (1). The pages numbered 64 show that the previous two items (738, 739) were part of this same material. The second page 65 again has marginal numbers. So too the third page 70, the first page 72, p. 75, the second p. 77, and p. 78. But there are some indications that BL is referring to several different books. These fragments may prove helpful for anyone working on BL on Dilthey or Heidegger (one reference to the latter).
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