MiT XI fragments 743
Sku: 74300DTE060
Archival Number: A743
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
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5 pp. headed MiT XI, w. paper clip. Numbered 11, 12, 13, 18, 18. 11 begins `4. Developments.' The issue is dev. of dogma. `... the systematically misleading image that one knows the real by taking a good look.' `... common sense ... is highly intelligent, reasonable, responsible. But it is one thing to live in a world mediated by meaning; it is quite another to mediate the mediator, to operate on the acts of meaning by which one means one's world. An explicit logic consists in acts of meaning that refer to acts of meaning. It is an enterprise that becomes possible only at the summit of a long cultural development.' `There was a time when most Catholic theologians were Thomists and, in terms of Thomism, Catholic doctrines could be shown to be intelligible and meaningful. It was an important stage in Catholic thought, for the new can be constructed only by those that understand the old they would replace. But the advent of hermeneutics and history has transformed Thomism from a philosophy and theology, which is now recognized to be out of date, into an object of endless historical investigation and interpretation. Nor has there as yet emerged a generally accepted philosophy and theology to show that Catholic doctrines are intelligible and meaningful. This is the root of the crisis.' In Method, differentiation of cs is `the basis of the answer' to the qu. how we can develop what God has revealed. Here `no small part of the answer' lies in diff'n of cs. The same again in 745. Finally, note there's a full handwritten p. on reverse of first typewritten p. It deals with carriers, functions, exigences, etc., it seems, in context of problem of development. Just schematic.
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