The Subject fragments
Sku: 74900DTE060
Archival Number: A749
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
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Pp. numbered 2, 5, 8, 8, 9. 5:`... I am not saying that the doctrine of soul is false or even that it is misleading. Again, the doctrine of soul is in no way incompatible with the subject's self-appropriation. But the doctrine of soul is distracting. It sets a far easier task than the self-appropriation of the subject. Commonly it fails to point out that one has far more to learn about oneself than can be learnt from the metaphysics of the soul. And so it may be said to be source of the neglect of the subject.' 8: `Conceptualists make no mistake when they speak of the concept of being, when they find it at least implicitly in every concept, when they emphasize its importance and discuss its character. But they do not derive concepts from acts of understanding, and so they do not advert to the problem to be faced when that derivation is accepted. For a finite understanding does not understand being. It follows that in a finite understanding a concept of being cannot be an expression of an understanding of being. But if we do not understand being, then how do we manage to conceive it?'
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