`Belief: the Contemporary Issue’ Fragments
Sku: 75000DTE060
Archival Number: A750
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
Open 75000DTE060.pdf
12 pp. headed `BCI.' Numbered 1-5, 15(2), 16, 17, 16(3). 4 and 5 have pertinent material handwritten on reverse, so 14 pp in all in this item. Contrast this with the published paper: `Fifthly, the analysis I am offering of our contemporary situation differs notably from simpler views that are more frequently heard. It is said that the Church had become a ghetto, that it had become excessively defensive and excessively rigid, that it has to break away from its Byzantine conclusions concerning the defects of our theological inheritance and the remedies that can be brought to bear. I did not think things wrong because, etc.' Ends with comments on Catholic universities.
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