Bernard Lonergan’s typescript of MiT, chapter 9
Sku: 81400DTE070
Archival Number: A814
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1970
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BL's ts of MiT, chapter 9
Title was at one time `From History towards Dialectic.' 202, 5: ts (mistakenly) has `but also entering ...' 202, - 4: ts has `this first process'. 205, 11: it appears there should be a footnote at Vico: ibid. 259f. Check this when editing. pt 217, par. 2: there is no indication in ts that there should be a break in line space at this point. pt 219, 9: something left out-- `... tend to form a single view; novels need not be compatible and do not form a single view.' pt 221, 17: `inadvertently' is in ts `unconsciously'. same with 224, 1. 225, - 4: `evidence of' is in ts `evidence for'. 231, - 2: ts has comma after `precepts'Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.