Bernard Lonergan’s typescript of MiT, chapter 11
Sku: 81600DTE070
Archival Number: A816
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1970
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BL's ts of MiT, chapter 11
top of pp: MiT X. 273, 7: ts has comma after rudimentary (correctly). 285, - 5: ts has `a hypothesis'. 290, 2: ts has `has' for pt's `had'. 291, 6: ts had (and changed to what is in pt): `The third set of special categories moves from the loving to the beloved.' 292, - 18: ts had `Nor may one expect the discovery of some "objective" criterion or test or control. "Objectivity" in that sense is simply a source of reductionism. For the last two centuries'. This is crossed out.Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.