Bernard Lonergan’s typescript of MiT, chapter 12
Sku: 81700DTE070
Archival Number: A817
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1970
Open 81700DTE070.pdf
BL's ts of MiT, chapter 12
At one time it was chapter 11. 295, - 1: it would appear BL wanted a comma after `teaching'. 304, 3: ts has `The Discovery of Mind.' 307, n. 9, 1: should be `18 ff.' 313, - 9: `Some twenty years later' is in ts `Twenty-one years later'. 322, 16: ts has `recendendum'. 322, 18: ts has `ne' in brackets. 323, 12: `Fifthly' begins a new paragraph.323, 15: ts has Latin just as in pt. 325,- 5: ts has `style' for `styles'. 333: last par. added later. 333, - 13: ts has `distinguishes'.Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.