Healing and Creating in History transcription
Sku: 85300DTE070
Archival Number: TC 853 A&b
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1970
Open 85300DTE070.pdf


A transcription of ‘Healing and Creating in History,’ a lecture delivered at Boston College, June 19, 1975, on the fourth evening of the 1975 Lonergan Workshop. A recording of the lecture may be found at 85300A0E070. An earlier version was delivered at Thomas More Institute, Montreal, on May 13. A recording of that version can be found at 84500A0E060, and a transcription of it at 84500DTE070. It is the Boston version, not the Montreal one, that is published in A Third Collection.

Transcription edited by Robert M. Doran

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran



No transcription available.