De Ss. Trinitate. Supplementum schematicum. Some pages
Sku: 98000DTL050
Archival Number: A98
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1950
Open 98000DTL050.pdf


Portions of a 116 page manuscript. Missing are pp. 1, 5-19, 22-52.This is a draft of the 1955 supplement issued at the Gregorian. As with the latter, there are three articles. The draft of the third article is preserved in its entirety. That of arts. 1 and 2 are fragments. All three are now available in their entirety as appendices in THE TRIUNE GOD: SYSTEMATICS, vol. 12 in COLLECTED WORKS OF BERNARD LONERGAN.

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran




No transcription available.