Part of a class on Dialectic and Foundations in fall 1980 seminar on Method in Theology
Sku: 98310A0E080
Archival Number: TC 873 10A&B BC
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1980


Begins with Lonergan responding to a question on the distinction of cognitional analysis and intentionality analysis. The questions cover the first part of the chapter on Dialectic. The lecture then begins with section 6 in that chapter, Dialectic as Method, p. 251. At 87:36 he moves into Foundations, but the recording ends after about two minutes, with Lonergan talking about conversion as foundational reality.

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


Audio restoration by Greg Lauzon



No transcription available.