Part of a class on Foundations and Doctrines in fall 1980 seminar on Method in Theology
Part of a class on Foundations and Doctrines in fall 1980 seminar on Method in Theology
Sku: 98311A0E080
Archival Number: T 873 11A&B BC
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1980
At the beginning he is talking about Ira Progoff, in the context of Foundations. Then the lecture picks up with the material on p 273, Pluralism in Expression. He continues with Pluralism in Religious Language and with Categories, emphasizing that the shift to interiority guarantees a transcultural base. A question about affective conversion prompts Lonergan to mention favorably Doran’s work on psychic conversion. At about 74:00 he moves into the chapter on Doctrines. The recording ends with Lonergan speaking about the section on Variations.