Transcript of excerpt from Morfin Interview
Sku: 99100DTE080
Archival Number: TC 991
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1980
Open 99100DTE080.pdf
A transcription of the portion of Luis Morfin's interview with Bernard Lonergan that was used in an article by Frederick Crowe and has attracted a great deal of attention as a result of this article. The topic is insight into insight. There is controversy over whether Crowe is correct in seeing some kind of critical breakthrough in what Lonergan says here regarding how "tricky" insight into insight is.
The recording can be found at 99100A0E080.
Transcript by Robert M. Doran with the assistance of Gordon Rixon.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.